three exciting Virtual Reality experiences
Alongside a producing partnership with Madison Wells Media, the SOKRISPY Team created three highly conceptual stereoscopic virtual reality films in partnership with Google Daydream.
DO Not Touch
In the hall of the art museum, rules are taken very seriously; and after breaking the strict "Do Not Touch" rule, Eric is in for some trouble. Follow Eric through an epic, artistic adventure as you travel through various artwork with a dynamic duo of security guards following close behind.
Video Game Vehicle
This experience takes the traditional "two-shot" passenger and driver shot to the next level. In this experience, you'll follow Eric and Sam as they race through various video games. Experience all the mayhem unfold as you view their adventure while planted on the hood of their car!
Tiny Tank
In the middle of an epic action battle, help comes to the rescue for Eric and Jamie. In this experience, you assume the point of view of a miniature tank as you follow Jamie through the battle ground, assisting him in taking out the enemy headquarters.
Delivered in 60fps to more closely replicate the feel of a video game and including 100 feet of track with Camblock's advanced motion control system, on set pyro, and stunts performed by the Action Factory, Mini Tank is an action packed adventure in Stereo Virtual Reality.